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This is my thesis and one of the main areas of reform we need to fix the housing industry. “The Fed's manipulation of interest rates has turned housing from a basic human need into an investment vehicle. When money is artificially cheap and abundant, it floods into real estate because people need to protect their wealth from inflation, driving up prices far beyond what's justified by actual utility value. Bitcoin provides a crucial escape valve: - It offers a superior store of value that can't be manipulated by central banks - When people can store wealth in bitcoin, they don't need to hoard real estate - This could help housing prices return to being based on actual living utility rather than speculation - Young families benefit when homes are priced based on their use value, not as inflation hedges The key insight is that bitcoin helps separate store of value from shelter. When people have a reliable way to preserve wealth outside of real estate, housing can return to its fundamental purpose - providing homes for families to live in. Think about it: If you could reliably store value in bitcoin, would you need to bid up housing prices just to protect your savings from Fed-created inflation? This is why bitcoin isn't just about money - it's about fixing distortions in basic necessities like housing.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​“ This has been my thesis since 2020. I believe it’s correct. 🤝